Earth Day Gradients

Lou Rumi

Singer Songwriter

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About me

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob

From an early age, music has been a passion and a big part of my life. I started singing in choirs as soon as I could read, and developed my singing skills through many years of professional level harmony singing as well a solo performer.

I have a wide range of experience and skills in multiple genres and have performed operas, jazz, country, classical choral, pop and even completed a couple of EDM releases! I continued to study music through my life and obtained BA Hons in Music.

Later in life, I discovered my ability and passion for songwriting and production and created my home studio 4 years ago. I love to write my own work as well as help others to capture their own special moments through song. I have worked with many different musicians and collaborators to create and release music and am always open to new connections!

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Song Selection

Once upon a time

a piano ballad about the intensity of a summer love and the pain of its loss

Take a Selfie

a dark, humourous pop song about extreme selfie obsession

Devil’s Time

A jazz song tackling the sleeplessness that comes with anxiety

Two’s Good Company

The upbeat, jazzy opening track to the album of the same name released with lyricist JJ Parki

Catherine Street

A gently uplifting song with lyrics by JJ Parki


A reflective song about depression and how it can be hidden away behind the smiles we see on social media

Earth Day Gradients

Songwriting and Production

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob

Song Writing

If you are looking for a personalised bespoke song to commemorate an occassion or as a gift for a special person then find my artists profile HERE


Are you a lyricist looking for a songwriter to bring your lyrics to life? Get in touch!



Using LogicProX and my piano in my home studio, I can compose, arrange and produce a song from start to finish.

Toplining and Backing vocals

If you have a track already, but need a vocal line or backing vocals added in a creating and professional way, get in touch!

“It's so raw and beautiful, I really like it as promo and for the incredible skill you have. It is so professionally high standard, for it's just so simple, really showing off your talent. I can't wait to hear the finished version! Thank you again, Lou, you have given my mum such a beautiful gift in her memory. James

JJ Parki - lyricist

(on receipt of the first draft of “A new Chapter of Life”)

“MUSIC GRADE: A Grade denotes: Excellent. Competitive at a professional songwriting level. Comments: A Melody and harmony are intoxicating and bring you into the feeling of the song. Very strong.”

Randy Klein - SONGU.COM

Evaluation of song by industry professional